We have a separate project that helps devs get their app online quickly, with Continuous Integration pipeline and Container Registry included, but relies on the app being Dockerized... More Dockerized apps out there — more potential clients for our commercial project (in the works)
Tell us if you have something special that is required for your app (i.e. a system library) or a known limitation (e.g. app works only with Node v10)
Settings: Collaborators on GitHub, Repository details: User and group access on BitBucket, Project information: Members on GitLab — add our user: dockerup-dev
Based on your preference, await your app's Docker specification on your email or Git repo
Yup, it's 100% FREE!
Feel free! There are a lot of examples and tutorials online, but sadly most them are bloated copy/pasted Dockerfiles that are nor small, not secure.
As soon as humanly possible! Based on number of requests and our spare time (again, this is completely free), it depends, but it shouldn't be longer than a day or two!
How ever you'd like it! We can push it to your repo master, to a new branch or simply email it to you!